
BMSTU has 19 departments providing full-time education. University provides postgraduate and doctorate programs and has two affiliated secondary schools. More than 19,000 students study in BMSTU, and specialties cover all range of modern machine and instrument building. More than 320 doctors of science (Russian degree higher than PhD) and 2000 candidates of science (similar to PhD) teach and do research in BMSTU. Main parts of the University are eight scientific and educational divisions. Each of them consists of scientific and educational branch. Several branch departments also exist, they deal with particular fields of industry. They are based on big factories and organizations, situated in Moscow, Moscow suburbs (Reutov, Krasnogorsk and Korolev) and in Kaluga. BMSTU has unique experience of teaching hearing-impaired students since 1934.

Bauman University is one of the three Russian universities (along with Lomonosov Moscow State University and Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University) that started in 1926 military education of students. Today military institute carries out training of military officers of 21 specialties. Military specialties are based on civil ones and help to teach high-qualified civil specialists. The institute consists of five military subdepartments (one of them is in Kaluga branch), civil defense subdepartment and military training center. Practical training is carried out in Dmitrov branch, where military hardware is deployed.

BMSTU has wide international cooperation: student exchanges, postgraduates, doctorates, teachers and scientists, teaching international students, common research, education methodology development, conferences, seminars, and congresses. Now the University has relations with more than 70 universities in Europe, America and Asia.

All educational and scientific activities of BMSTU are future-oriented. It is taking part in conversion programs, defining priorities of new scientific areas development, developing foundations of government human resources system for high-tech industry.

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